In a world in which so many people seek balance, meaning, and connectedness in life, Jim Cusumano provides a tangible and inspirational road map.
—Helen D. Gayle, MD, MPH, President and CEO, CARE USA
Do you have children, or if not, perhaps a soft spot in your heart for them? If so, with the rest of us in the so-called developed world, you might consider, “What kind of future are we creating for them?”
On Monday, November 25 the International New York Times ran an editorial entitled, “Climate Crisis: Who will act?” by Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations. He highlights the results of the recently published Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and begs us to reconsider the reality and consequences of global climate change. I offer for your consideration, several FACTS from the IPCC report, which is based on 9,200 peer-reviewed scientific studies, and arguably the most scrutinized document on the planet.
I think there is still hope for us and our children. Governments have proven that they will not lead the way. They can help with incentives for alternative energy technologies, removing fossil fuel subsidies, and a carbon tax that returns generated revenues to its citizens. Business, the strongest power on the planet is in the right position to provide leadership. Companies that are front runners can lead us from a potentially catastrophic future, and do well financially as a consequence.